+91 - 9953350151
Ompee Global School Successfully Engages and Completes the British Council's Guided Partnership Programme for 2023-24 | Admissions Open from Pre- Nursery to Grade VI for 2024-2025 academic year. For more details, Please contact Admission Counselor at +91 - 9953350151.

Admission FAQs

How different is IB board in Comparison to CBSE and ICSE?

Most of the schools in India have CBSE Board or ICSE which is recognized only in India, focusing more theory knowledge were they trained only to memorizes and produce the same during which helps just to get good marks, but they cannot gain any practical experience and get exposure to skill-based learning.

IB Board is predominately aimed to give the students the right exposure by focusing on holistic learning, intellectual thinking and communication skills. IB syllabi is a perfect blend of Physical Personality, logical development, value system, emotional/social needs, and academics.

IB gives more preference to subjects like Language, Arts, and Humanities at a higher level.IB follows a different approach where they have no textbooks or a few textbooks. They believe in learning the concepts than just memorizing without understanding.

Their primary focus lies on “How to Learn” rather than “What to Learn.” And the students are tested on practical knowledge or skill-based expertise and not on memory and speed.

Why should I choose an International Education for my child?


• The IGCSE and IB are recognized all over the world
• Parents having career shifts across the globe ideal chose the IB board as they will want their child not to have issues during admissions anywhere around the globe. Also, the child can cope up if they have been following the IB board throughout the schooling.
• Many Universities in the UK like Oxford, Cambridge, London School of Economics, Imperial College London and University College of London expect admissions of students only from IB Diploma or A level qualifications
• IB Diploma is recognized and is equivalent to XII standard nationally.
• There is a reasonable increase in the number of parents in India who are looking at International Boards for their children in the positive way as they want to keep their child away from the race of marks and focus more skill-based knowledge.
• Many universities admissions are very competitive around the world; they would tests student’s thinking abilities than just scores and IB Curriculum will help the student achieve that.

Focus on Overall Development of the Child:

• Students will get to experience effective learning with New teaching methods
• IB focuses on Concept or Application based Learning
• Along with traditional subjects, students are given exposure to many new subjects which suits the current environment or scenario which will help the students to have an overall development

Exposure to Innovate Learning:

• They are nurtured with a whole lot of critical and analytical skills
• Students are well-equipped with the International Standard of Learning and education
• Access to knowledge on best universities and requirements of the admission process, scholarship, competitive exams, etc.
• Understanding of cultural environment and challenges of the global community
• Competent enough to have the required skill sets to be part of the top universities of the world.
• IB has a small size concept to have interactive learning, allowing to focus on every child one on one basis